Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Late Christmas Present

Hello Everyone...

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and have many memories to cherish.
Things at my house were crazy as usual.. LOL.. We had a very nice christmas dinner along with friends dropping by off and on all day along with the phone ringing off the hook all day long. I didnt mind any of it tho.. Family is family whether in person or by phone.. I got to talk to my 6yo granddaughter Breanna and heard all about what Santa brought her and my other 1 yo granddaughter Ava. They live in Niagara Falls U.S. so a phone call would have to do this year.. Next year we are hoping to visit them as a christmas present. Hubby said he can just see Santa stuffing us all in their stockings.. LMAO

I am giving you two brag book pages sizes 4 by 6 for those christmas photos I am sure are cramming your digital cameras. I know my digital camera is screaming to be dowloaded to my PC.. But I must go with the creative juices while I have them so my camera will have to wait...Please share your creations with me .. I love showing off things people make with my creations.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why I have Not Been Around

This past tuesday dec 9 two of my very good friends were killed in a head on collision that was weather related here in Oklahoma... Both Candy & Terry Privett were killed when their car and another driving in the opposite direction ran head on into each other coming off a rise in the road. Candy & Terry leave behind two children Bridgette 16 and Alex 10... The family and community have gathered around these children to help them thru this tragedy and I have been by the children sides since Tuesday night.. So please forgive my lack of blogging these past few days... MY heart has been elsewhere...
I write this entry and ask that you pray for the family and especially for these two precious children whose lives have been shattered by this loss... and again thank you for understanding Y I have not been around...

In closing .. I ask that EVERYONE who gets in a car whether driving or a passenger wear their seatbelts... Had Candy & Terry been wearing theirs.. I would not be writing this entry more then likely and this week would not have brought the tears for many as it has..


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Muse Inspired Brag Book Train

Muse Inspired Ladies cordially invites you to our Stocking Stuffer Brag Book Blog Train.
Some say variety is the spice of life and and this Brag Book Blog Train is loaded with
4 x 6 Brag Books pages perfect for holiday stocking stuffers.

We have ladies in various time zone so please be patient during our upload process.

Please be sure to leave these Muse Inspired Ladies some love!!


Scraps by CWD

KCs Scrappin Sanctuary


Designs By Ali

Designz by Nickie

Heartfelt Perfections

Lindas Dream Designs

MoonBeams Creations


You can Download my portion below


Friday, November 28, 2008

A Freebie & A Sale

Good Afternoon Everyone

I trust you are all recovering from "Turkey" Day yesterday... My family and I gathered around the table and had a wonderful meal.. One that for the first time in 20 years I DID NOT COOK... My husband and children did the honors and it was nice to sit back and see everybody else in the kitchen. (IT'S GOOD TO BE THE QUEEN)LOL
We had ham and bucked the turkey tradition around here.. We are such rebels aren't we???

As today is Black Friday in the US ( biggest shopping day of the year)... I have decided to run a sale of my own this weekend and celebrate my selling at SCRAP HAPPINESS..

I am giving away a set of 6 800 by 800 300 DPI greyscale overlays to celebrate. I have also reduced all my paper products to $1... The best part about this sale is you don't have to fight for parking spaces or sit in traffic..LOL You have bought presents for everyone else.. How about something for the scrapper in you??

This sale will run thru Nov 30 CST...

Click on my button on the right to see all my products and click in the freebie area to snag my freebie overlays...


Stop by and see what I have available... Please don't hesitate to leave a comment here on the blog.. I love reading them...

Dont forget to bookmark my page at the store as things will be constantly changing and new sales will be a poppin...

Hugs Kc

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Very Special Day

Good evening everyone

Today has been a day for firsts..

First I have the most amazing friends and fellow designers out there I could ever imagine... I love all of you...

Pixie I thank you for the newest award...I love you too and would be lost without ya...Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Today marks the launch of the Team Kissed
"Treasured Friends Forever Blog Award"
The rules are simple...
Choose 5 Treasured Friends who have not
yet received it and forward the love!

My 5 Treasured Friends are:


Suzanne Of Suz's Creations

Simone Of Scrappy Bit Of Fun

MayK MayK's Creations

Pammie A Little Bit Of Everything

Thursday, November 13, 2008


As many of my readers know in September I was diagnosed with heart disease and am awaitng open heart surgery for the replacement of my mitral valve. As it looks now I will be having the surgery sometime after the first of the year .. I am doing okay and am under the watchful eye of my cardiologist for any immediate danger signals to the contrary...

My purpose for this post is to let everyone in on a little upcoming project I have in the works for a PTU kit with ALL monies raised going to the American Heart Association..(AHA) I have to do something to keep myself occupied till surgery or I will lose my mind waiting and what better way then to get the word out with a little financial contribution to a most worthy organization .

This was a brain child of mine because at the age of 45 I looked at my dr and went .. "what?? this isnt supposed to happen to me" But ya know what??? It did and my whole goal from here out is to be a whole lot nicer to my heart on a personal level and to help other women NOT have it happen to them as best I can thru education and awareness in any medium possible..

I am going to be posting the kit in early December as it is in the works as I type.. Anyone wishing to help me on this venture are more then welcome to email me at --- subject line AHA kit for all details.. yes there are rules and guidelines we must adhere to as regards to usage of materials by the AHA..


I am sure that we ALL know someone who has been touched by heart disease if it is not ourselves. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to take care of our heart and get the word out about heart disease.. take ten minutes a day to walk for heart disease.. it is only around the block and trust me it won't kill you, it may save your life in the long run.. Lets be nice to our hearts . Our lives depend on it. & we owe ourselves and our loved ones the right to see a brighter tommorrow with lower heart disease numbers worldwide.
Hugs Kc

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Inspiration for new projects sometimes comes
when we least expect it and this was one of those Inspiring moments.

This very special SHMILY Blog Train was Inspired by a
story on the internet you may read for yourselves HERE.
(Thank you Nicole & KC)

SHMILY (See How Much I Love You) is Truly Inspiring...
Please remember to show those in your life some SHMILY
when they least expect it.

Grab My Part HERE
Grab your ticket cause the train has 15 more stops along the way... Enjoy and remeber to leave some love...


PC Fixed & Shades Of Winter

Hello Everyone....

I know it has been a while since my last post but my PC went poof right after my last post..We blew 3 power supplies in as many days and the whole experience of getting it repaired was just a small nightmare...But we are back in business and i have been once again scrappin my heart out....

Before we get onto the freebie I was wondering if you have all noticed yet another change to the Sanctuary's Design.. Pixie thank you so much for another "sneak" in in the middle of the night change..I absolutley love this design..
As many of you may have guessed my favorite color is red .. As for the hearts and awareness ribbon .. I am going in for open heart surgery sometime in January and have become involoved in orginiztions dedicated to heart disease and especially HD in Women... More elaboration will come in a later post. The irises to me have always meant peace and serenity and right now I can definately use some of that with all of this coming.. So I would say that the design change is NO LESS then perfect and totally incorporates reflects my intrests and needs.

I have made a tagger size set of 6 papers for you today as I have a blog train pulling into the station later tonight as well... You can see the preview but it will NOT be link till after mignight tonight.. It only fair as give all the wonderful deigners time to upload all theiur parts as well. Besides i lobve to tease people...LOL

Have fun with the papers and remember the train leaves the station sometime tommorrow... So DEFINATELY check back and get a wonderful TRULY INSPIRED kit...


Thursday, October 23, 2008


When green witches cackle and
black ravens crow

and blogs take on an eerie orange glow...

When Ghosts and Goblins come knocking
dressed up in rags

looking for sugar to fill up their bags...

Try not to scream or run off in fright,
Truly Inspired has tricks that will
treat you just right!

Please click HERE for download.

Don't forget to leave these generous ladies some love♥

KissedByCari -
KissedbyPix -
SummerLovingGal -
Kcs Scrappin Sanctuary -
Scraps by CWD -
Mama Cat Scraps -
Honored Scraps -
LadyQueen's creations -
Monkey Doodle Designs -
Just Another Scrap by Judith -
Mystic Inc Design -
The Posh Box Scraps -
Sticky Kisses Scraps -
Designs by Tishia -
Foxylady Creations -
Willow Art Productions -
Wimpychompers -
WDDesignz -

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Brand New Look

Good Morning Everyone...

OMG look what I woke up to this morning.. A brand new look to the Sanctuary...

My dear friend Pixie of Team Kissed came in here during the night ( with my permission of course) and did all this for me... She knows I love red and flowers of all kinds.. She told me she was going to revamp my blog but didnt say when or with what.. I think she nailed it right on the head...


Please stop by her blog and join me in thanking her for all her hard work she did for me.. You can find her blog HERE...

Also while you are there please check out her wonderful new store that opened on Oct 1st called Treasured Scraps... The design quality is extremely high throughout store while the prices are extremely low as everything for the grand opening is a whopping 50% off and I mean EVERYTHING in the store. You will not be diappointed and are sure to find something that you absolutely cant live without.

These prices wont last but even after this sale ends the prices will still remain extremely reasonable at all times.

If you are in need of a blinkie or two for your website but dont know how to make them yourselves (like me) then Pixie does those also at extremely low prices...Just tell her Kc sent you.. You wont be disappointed I put my guarantee on that.... I am gonna need a few more myself here shortly.... OOOOOOOO PIXIE.. LOL

Now for the BIG announcement..

I was asked to become a CT member for Team Kissed... I am truly honored being ask to come on board as I am soooooo new to scrapping but have quickly become an addict to this hobby.. altho for me it is NOT a hobby it is a TOTAL ADDICTION...

I will still have freebies on a regualr basis here at the Sanctuary with a short break sometime in November for heart surgery...But trust me.. The addiction and commitment to this world of Digi Scrapping is strong and I wont be down for long. Knowing me after 10 days in the hospital I will be sitting here on the 11th day creating and loving every minute of it...My orders are to rest and walk.. so does walking to the bathroom 5 ft away from my computer count??????.. LOL

Again thanks for dropping by and seeing what I have to offer..

To my loyal scrap fans I couldn't do this without you.. Your wonderful comments are what keep me creating and improving my scrapping skills.. Thank you for all the support you have given me...

Have an awesome day and remember ..


Hugs Kc

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Halloween Overlays 2

Good Morning Everyone...

I was looking back over my comments and DLs and see that my halloween overlays were a gr8 sucsess.. Guess what I have created 4 more overlays for CU USE in tagger size of 600 x 600...

have fun with the haunted house and the bats and the witches..Remember... Have an awesome time scrapping those once in a ifetime Halloween memories..

Until next time Happy Scrappin'

Hugs Kc


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness

Good Evening All..

As most of us know .. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month
As the daughter of a survivor and the Daughter in Law of one who succumbed to the disease BC holds a special place in my heart...

I have made this BC kit with a bit of a twist from others I have seen...

My kit includes a paper for Race For The Cure, I Am a survivor and a few other different things.. While making this kit I decided to make it to where it was for everyone.. those who have survived , those who are fighting and those who unfortunatly have lost their battle.

In our busy schedules & daily lives where we put everyone before ourselves.. I implore ALL women.. take an hour out of their day for yourself and get a mammogram at least once if not twice a year.. We owe our family and friends our lives.. Our lives begin with a mammogram..

Don't become a statistic become a part of the cure.. starting with your own health..

Hugs Kc


Friday, October 3, 2008


Good Afternoon Everyone

I have been working on a kit for a while now and still only have the papers done.. I am gonna reveal them now for download and hopefully have the elements done sometime this weekend.... Please forgive my lack of kits as of late.. I am working a few personal projects and huge collab for next month ....So enjoy the papers and remember come back on sunday and I will have the elements to Royal Gold posted .. I promise..

have a gr8 weekend... See ya soon
Hugs Kc
These papers are 600x600 300DPI

You can Download the papers HERE

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Imagination Soars & a Surpirse

Good Afternoon Everyone,
I hope everyone is having an awesome saturday.. I know mine started out really well.. When I woke up this morning hubby tol;d me to get dressed and meet him in the car..Ok totally confused I did what he asked.. Well he took me for a ride out in the country to see the changing leaves .. Down in OK we dont get such gr8 colors as I am used to being from Niagara Falls US and the awesome Fall colors there are everywhere. Fall is my favorite time of year and even now late September we still have 80+ degree days.. Something else I have not gotten used to either. I am used to pretty much freezing to death by now .. That is just the NYer in me I guess.. Anyway.. last night ni sat down and let my imagination soar with brushes and such and came up with these overlays... Not only do you get the overlays but i also included the papers you see in the preview and three text overlays as well... SURPRISE ... You get all of this in this download... The comments have been incredible as of late and evry encouraguing so i wanted to do a little something more my friends who lift my spoirts everytime I am around here.. Thanks to all of you and Have fun with the goodies..Hugs Kc

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wacky Wild Papers

Good Day To All Scrapaholics,

Don't look at the post like that.. LOL.. You are a scrapaholic and you know it.. You like freebies as much as the next person... I know I would carry a sign in all fairness that says SCRAP H*E LIVES HERE very proudly...LOL

Before I post any freebies I want to say Thank You to all who have wished me well on my upcoming surgery... I appreciate the kind words more then you know.. I read them and a smile comes across this face that has disappeatred as of late. I cannot thank you for the support and encouragement in your comments... THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

I was a bit tired last night but went a little Wacky paper happy .. These are 5 bright color papers I made while playoing with gradients and patterns .. I hope someone can find a use for them...

I would love to see anything created with them...

They are tagger size at 600 x 600 300 dpi...

Have a gr8 Day and remember Kindness goes a long way.. Be kind to a stranger ..


Thursday, September 25, 2008

An Update & A FREEBIE

Hello Everyone...

I know I have not posted ina while but i have been going thru some health issues here at home...
I was recently hospitalized with a racing heart rate of 257 BPM .. How ever that was the least of my problems unfortunately...I was told by my cardiologist who stuck a camera down my throat and saw my heart.. What he saw was a tear in my mitral valve.. On top of that they have discovered I suffer from an overactive thyroid and cannot operate on my heart till that condition is under control.. I was told to be expected into surgery in the middle of October but i dont know exactly when.. Up until they have a definate date it can change day to day.. Right now it is tentativily set for Oct 14 but who knows...

I am spending ALOT of time with my family and have been cutting back on PC time due to my health...The fatigue is incredible.. I sleep most of the day and am up all night with a nap or two during the night for about an hour..

Over the last two days I have been back at the computer and have made several things to give out before I go in for the operation...I will be in the hospital for up to ten days and have been told the recovery could be as long as 3 -6 months... So I will not be a round for a while after surgery so I can recover...

.. I have a set of 5 Halloween overlays for CU USE In TAGGER SIZE... Enjoy them and if you make a tutorial or a tag of any kind with it please send people here to my blog for download and email me the tag so I may display it on here and others can enjoy it as well.. I believe in giving credit where credit is due... Have Fun...

Hugs Kc


Friday, August 22, 2008

I Am Soooooooo Busy

Hello Everyone..

MayK your an angel who has made my day.. Thank you so much hun for this honor...I am sorry it took me so long to acknowledge it.. I have been busy working on my FIRST full size kit which is a collab of myself and 14 other designers... I wont tell ya the name of the kit cause I dont know it yet myself but I have been making papers and such all night for it...The only thing I do know are the colors of the kit but i am not telling you that either.. LOL I am a BRAT remember

Are you waiting for this kit .. Can ya feel the anticipation????? I know that I am thrilled to be working on this project with some talented designers... this kti is "Truly Inspired"

I will try to post a freebie some time to day but frst I need some sleep. I have been up all night with ulcer pains so to distract myself I worked on the PC.. It did help a bit but my stomach is till hating me and i dont know why.. I have been very very kind to my stomach and stayed away from hot things.

Haver a gr8 day everyone and like I said.. i will try REALLY hard to post a freebie for you today sometime..
Hugs Kc

Monday, August 18, 2008

Some Handmade Flowers

I love the fact that it is Monday and the kids are gonna be getting up for school right quick here. I get so much accomplished now during the day without them around.. I love them but every 5 seconds of mom I need you . I tend not to get much done.. Especially during the summer..

Ok last night I was playing with preset shapes and came up with some funky type flowers..I hope someone can use them... I know there are tutorials out there that teach ya how to make them but i like playing on my own... Makes me feel like i acdcomplished something a bit on my own .. Ya know...
I have also icludued the template i made In PSP layers... Enjoy the paossibilities of color combinations is endless
Hugs Kc


Friday, August 15, 2008


I have been tagged by friend MayK of MayK's Creations

Stop by her bl;og for some awesome templates and other scrap related xtuff

MayK is an awesome tutorial writer... You can see her tutorials HERE
Please stop by she has a gift for tuts and loves to share her work. If your into PSP and sig tags she will keep ya busy... :)

These are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.\
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 Facts About Me

1. I am a retired healtcare worker
2. I hated chiuhahas in my twenties and now breed them and wouldnt have it any other way.
3. I moved to Oklahoma 3 years ago & love the small town living..
4. I am a native New Yorker and absolutely loved Niagara Falls for the 9 years i lived there.
5. I grew up a TOTAL daddy's girl in house of four older brothers :P
6. I love to cook but dont except on MAJOR holidays.. hubby cooks daily.. LOL
7. I am NOT spoiled.. I am just treated just like a queen should be...

Who I am Tagging

4. Violet GRAFIX 4 ALL

I Won Three Awards & A CU Freebie

OMG I Won Three Awards.. I am in shock and awe... TYSVM ladies it is your continued support that keeps me going in this venture...

Serina TYSVM I am so honored. Love ya

1.The winner can put the logo on her blog
2. Link the person you received your award from SERINA,

3.Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4.Put links of those blogs on yours.
5.Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you’ve nominated...
Here are my award winner blogs

1. Yvette & MissyMisfits Scrapz
2. Honor Honor
3. Shannon Scrappy Shannon
4. The Scrappin Cop
5.Aquarius Scrapibility
6. Kelly Late Night Scrapping Designs
7. Danielle DMK Designs

The second one comes from PIXI of KISSED BY PIXI

TYSVM HUN.. I am truly honored . Love ya

The rules of the award are:

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated.

My award winning blogs are








The 3rd award comes from my dear friend Simone .. TYSVM hunny Love ya

Catch Simone's awesome blog HERE

The rules of the award are:

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated.

Here we go again.. LOL


2. Heather HS DESIGNS

3. Tizzy's Angel TIZZY MADE ME DO IT





Ok now on to the freebie...

These are EMBOSSED overlays.. I absloutley had a ball making them.. I hope ypou enjoy them

I have noticed that the dpwenolads outweigh the comments by a huge margin.. Please leave me some love... I need love too.. even just a TY would make me smile.. does it really take that long to type.?
Have an awesome day and ya never know.. i may be back later with some more goodies..


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Purple Passion


Good afternoon everybody.... It is raining here in Oklahoma and I am so grateful because finally we are NOWHERE near 100+ in temps .. The last two and half weeks have been brutual arouind here.

Well this week the kids go back to school so tonight I have open house to pick all 3 of their schedules @ 6:30.. O YAY two days to go....

I was sitting here this morning thinking about a friend who I havent talked to in weeks for whatevetr reason.. Its me not her.. I just get in these moods where Im's don't go on for few weeks as I am preoccupied.. nothing against anybody it's just me.. Anywho she loves the color purple so I sat and designed the papers and use some other stuiff and came up with this MASSIVELY purple kit for my twinbrat LEXI.. No we are not twins just so similar its scary.LOL

I hope ya l;ike it hun... Is it purple enuff for ya??? cause if not I can come up with something else...LOL

Download link between the two previews:P Have a GR8 Day everyone... Hugs Kc


Friday, August 8, 2008


Good Evening Everyone...

It is finally below 100 degrees here in Oklahoma for the first time in a week.. It is only 98.. LOL
I have been able to endure the heat by throwing myself into a new kit...

I have been working on a new kit today and would like to thank FlashGraphics for the CU flowers (both sets).. your talent & generosity is most appreciated..
Her blog can be found on the right hand side under my favortie blogs... If you downlaod anything she has to offer please be kind and leave some love.

This kit is a combination of my favorie colors and flavors.. yep I love chocolate and I love mint. I hope you enjoy the kit and as always if you dl it please leave me some love.
Hugs Kc

This kit contains

6 papers
2 roses
2 daisies
6 ribbons , straight and ric rac
1 frame

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Good Morning Everyone

I hope everyone is having an awesome day. I am so sorry for not posting for the last few days however I am recovering from a COMPLETE PC crash :(.

I have spent the last two days getting everything reistalled but I have enuff on here now to make some more overlays..This set of 4 overlays is in tagger size of 600 by 600 300 DPI and are for PERSONAL USE ONLY..

I really appreciate all the comments left about the last set I shared.. I am just an overlasy junkie and from the DL's on the last set I can see I am not alone.. LOL

Enjoy them and if you DL them PLEASE leave a comment either here on my blog or on my dl page.. They make me smile.. It is nice to know your work is apprecited. It only takes a second to type TYVM.
Hugs Kc


Saturday, August 2, 2008

A CU Freebie


I know it has been a few days since my last post, but I have been dealing with YET ANOTHER new addcition.. I have discovered the wonderful world of using overlays.

I searched the internet high and low for a tutoirial for them but to no avail .. Me being me.. I lookked over other peoples creations and decided I can do this.. I dont need a tutorial..
I sat at my PC and played with patterns and textures and the like and came up with an array of overlays...Here are 4 of them for now and they are CU eligible.. Have fun and please leave me some love if you download them.. I use your comments to smile and also to guide my way thru this wonderfully addicting world of scrapbooking...Have a gr8 day and just remeber...

Smile at a stranger at least once a day.. You may make their day and your own..

Hugs Kc

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Champagne On Ice

Good evening everyone..

It was cooler here toda and was up to ONLY 103 degrees... Yesterdasy we hit 105.. See told ya we were cooling down.. LOL..

My next kit was inspired by a color palette challenge I had in one of my groups a few weeks ago.

We were not allowed to use any "already set" by program colors in our palletes they had to be off our brain...Well I absolutely love pastels and came up with this kit called Champagne on Ice from that palette. I hope you enjoy the kit and please remember .. If you dowload it please leave me some love.. I dont know if people like my stuff if they dont tell me.. Your comments make me smile and really brighten my day. They also engcourage me to keep creating..
Have a GR8 Day
Hugs Kc



Wednesday, July 23, 2008

MY Very First Kit

Good Morning Everyone...

Today is a gr8 day for me.. I have a job interview this morning and pretty good shot at getting it. which will be awesome as we need the money to pay these outragepous electric bills .. It is gonna be scorcher here today in Oklahoma. It is going to 105 degrees.. No that is not your eyes playing tricks on you .. I said 105 degrees... Wish I hadnt ..

I know excatly where to find myself today.. ( yeah didnt know I was lost) Sitting right dead in front of my AC.. I usually try not to use them unless i have to but today is definately an I HAVE TO DAY..

OK I asked hubby what he thought when he forst saw the completed kit on my PC and he said... DRUM ROLL PLEASE...


Yes hubby named my first kit and I think he named it quite approriately...

This kit contains..

5 papers
1 frame
1 plaque
2 flower elements
1 heart element
2 ribbons1 button element

I hope you enjoy using this kit and I would love to see any results you have with it..


Have A GR8 day.. Hugs Kc

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Furrry Flowers

Hello everybody


When my children leave home there will always be a key under the mat for them.. Whether or it not it goes to my house is another story...,LOL

The above quote is not true at all UNLESS they are coming cause they need money. Then its written in concrete LOL

I have some errands to to run today but I wanted to share my latest creastion with all of you. I have put together some funky looking flowers for you enjoyment. I am truly enjoying this scrapping experience and will have more more things for you in the days to come. Have a gr8 day everyone and please leave me some love if you do dowload them. A little love never hurt anyone ...Hugs Kc

Download HERE

My Very First freebie

Hello Everyone..

Ok my feet are wet.. they are not yet soaked but I did get them wet last night.. I sat down and made a simple set of ribbons . I used PSP because frankly , I am still TERRIFIED of Photoshop as of yet.

I know that one day that will all come to an end also because just 4 years ago .. I was TERRIFIED of Paint Shop Pro LOL. Anyone that kows me on the net can probably testify on my behalf that Paint Shop Pro is no longer terrifying to me but as important to me as my right or left arm. One day soon I hope to make Photoshop as important to me also. I am huge chicken with new toys what can I tell ya... On to the freebie..

I hope someone can use these and I would love to see the results..

My TOU's are below the download link .. PLEASE READ THEM

Hugs Kc

Download HERE



1. Use my creations for personal use for you and your friends for sig tags , websets and etc...

2. You may colorize, resize and adjust accordingly for your project needs.

3. Send persons to my blog to download for themselves.

4. If you are a tutorial writer.. You may use my creations and all I ask for is a link to my blog for
download unless other arrangements have been made with me in advance..

4. You may leave comments to let me know you appreciate what I have shared.


1. Rip my creations apart to unrecognizable.

2. You may not recolor, resize and claim as your own for either free or profit. I will
know . I have seen other friends go thru this.. It WILL NOT BE TOLERATED


Send them to my blog to get it the same way you did.

I am sorry if these rules sound a bit rigid. I do this for enjoyment for myself & others and provide these things for free.. If infringments are made with my creations this blog will unfortunately be closed & I will have no choice but to go PTU exclusively and I do NOT WANT TO DO THAT!!!. I have seen friends go thru things that are unfair and I am trying to protect others who enjoy my creations from those out there that may not respect TOU's.

Hugs Kc

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello Everyone

Welcome to my little piece of the internet. I never thought in a million years that I would have a blog.. But then again I never thought I would have a tutorial site either but I do. LOL
I decided to try my hand at Digital scrapbooking for two reasons..
First off I am an AVID sig tag maker and use scrapkits in most all my creations nowadays.
Secondly.. I have a gr8 group friends @ Crafty Minxs that are a gr8 support system and keep encouraging me to try something new all the time.. You are truly Crafty Minxs and I am truly grateful to call you my friends.


I will be adding scrap things of various design as time goes on and ask for your patience as I get my feet wet in this brand new venture. My friends would tell you that I never get my feet wet, I jump in with my whole body. & learn to swim rather quickly.
I am looking at this venture with the same gusto as all my others..

Thank you for stopping by and I look forward ot creating things for your enjoyment

Hugs Kc